Fast, Low-Rate Financing Using Your Securities or Cash

Imagine a quick line of revolving credit, financing that does not tie up your property, bank accounts, or other assets and does not involve credit or credit reporting in any way. Then imagine that you can use your existing stocks, bonds or mutual funds, but also your cash to restructure-together with your licensed lender advisor-into eligible, perhaps conservative securities, with funding available in two weeks on average instead of months with other programs so you can get the cash you need now. Imagine all that, with no sales of your securities, 24/7 online access, and a major U.S. investment bank lender with fully licensed FINRA-member advisors who want you to become their next long-term client.

If you have a portfolio of securities (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc. ), you may be able to tap them for a wholesale credit line without changing ownership or selling.

Would you like to tap your stock portfolio and leverage it into your commercial real estate investment?

Supplement your existing financing with a securities-based loan.

If you own stocks or mutual funds, we have access to a no-title transfer, no-sale-to-fund line of credit via a major licensed institution through a strategic partnership.

Buying a franchise or business? Consider tapping your stocks without selling them.

Your next commercial real estate venture might need some extra cash. If you own securities (stocks, bonds, mutual funds) we can refer you into a great, wholesale, custom, lending program.

Current funding insufficient or taking too long? Have you considered tapping your stock portfolio via a fully licensed institutional credit line program? Wholesale rates and custom terms.

Not happy with your financing? Consider a loan against your securities portfolio.

Tap your securities portfolio for very low-interest financing.

Got stocks? Tap ’em!