For those who are thinking about diving into the world of commercial real estate, the field can seem daunting. There are many options available, such as flipping houses, taking on large construction projects, rehabbing commercial space for offices or other businesses, and more. One of the best places to start is with owner occupied properties in Colorado Springs. Owner occupied properties in Colorado Springs not only bring in a healthy revenue, but they come with other benefits, as well.

Owner Occupied Properties In Colorado Springs Are Easy To Manage

Perhaps one of the biggest benefits of owners occupied properties in Colorado Springs is how easy they are to manage. Larger projects usually involve hiring a property management company, which is an extra expense most new investors do not need. Owner occupied properties in Colorado Springs, much like the term implies, gives investors the advantage of living on the premises to run things how the see fit. Rather than outsourcing to a property management company or having a maintenance person live in one of the units, the property owner can handle all repairs and keep an eye on tenants.

Owner Occupied Properties In Colorado Springs Offer Tax Benefits

Not many commercial properties come with built-in tax advantages. Owner occupied properties in Colorado Springs offer tax benefits to commercial real estate investors. If repairs are made to tenants’ units, or if improvements are made to the property as a whole, the IRS allows for tax deductions. The caveat for these deductions is that investors must be able to “show their work.” It is advised that investors hold onto receipts and document work in order to take advantage of tax deductions for owners occupied properties in Colorado Springs.

Purchasing Owner Occupied Properties In Colorado Springs

Most owner occupied properties in Colorado Springs fall on the affordable end of the scale. Many commercial real estate investors use SBA loans and other forms of commercial financing to acquire owner occupied properties in Colorado Springs. The rent from one of the units will usually cover the payment on loans or mortgages, while the remaining units provide straight revenue. Eventually, when investors are ready to expand their operations, owner occupied properties can be sold or converted to complete rentals.

Talk To The Experts

If you are thinking about getting into the field of commercial real estate, and want to get the most for your money, consider owner occupied properties in Colorado Springs. At WN Financial Solutions, we provide a wide range of programs to help new commercial real estate investors get the owners occupied properties they want. From conventional loans to fast-tracked SBA loans, and creative financing, we will work with you to structure a customized solution.